Approximately three-quarters of the income of Music in Peebles is generated through subscriptions and ticket sales, supplemented by fund-raising activities. Below are some of the other main sources of income.


Music in Peebles is affiliated to Chamber Music Scotland (CMS), the national body promoting access to live chamber music across the whole Scottish community.

We gratefully acknowledge the financial subsidy we receive annually from CMS, through funding provided by Creative Scotland (formerly the Scottish Arts Council).

Following the difficult season in 2021/22, with substantially reduced audiences and income, Music in Peebles launched a Recovery and Resilience campaign, aimed at restoring financial health and building towards a sustainable future for our concerts. We are especially grateful to The Hugh Fraser Foundation for providing generous financial support to this campaign.

We secured grants from the Peeblesshire Charitable Trust and the Peebles Common Good Fund to support performances in a local care home.

Music in Peebles is also grateful to Scottish Borders Council for providing grants, through its Community Fund, to refurbish our Steinway grand piano in 2011, and to commission the design and build of a new website in 2021. In 2022, the new Neighbourhood Support Fund provided a grant in support of the lecture-recital, and associated film, exploring the life and music of Learmont Drysdale.


Music in Peebles is especially grateful to the many individuals who have made donations, in cash or kind, in support of its activities in the community.

In recent years, all cash donations have been added to the Piano Fund, which we plan to build up in readiness for the time when our current piano has to be replaced. But we are also inviting donations to our general funds, to strengthen the resilience of Music in Peebles during these difficult times when income from ticket sales (our main source of income) has not yet returned to pre-Covid levels, and grants are being reduced.

Donating to Music in Peebles is easy, via our page on the charity fundraising platform ‘Givey’, which you can access using the ‘Donate’ button on the left. If you wish your donation to go to the Piano Fund, please indicate this in the ‘Add a comment’ field. As a Registered Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SC048944), we can reclaim tax on Gift-Aided cash donations, increasing their value by 25%. If your donation is eligible for Gift Aid, please complete the requested details so that we can boost the value of your donation.

If you prefer, you can make your donation by bank transfer, card, cheque or cash. Simply download a donation form (using the button on the right), then complete and submit it with your donation by one of the methods detailed on the form.

Thank You!


Music in Peebles wishes to thank the many local businesses who have chosen to advertise in our concert programmes, bringing their services to the attention of our audiences and associating their businesses with a successful and well-regarded local institution. In doing so, they are providing valuable financial support that goes directly into developing our outreach work in the local community.

Please support those businesses who advertise with us, and mention Music in Peebles when responding to their adverts.

Businesses currently supporting us in this way are as follows.