There are lots of ways to keep in touch with Music in Peebles:
  • This website contains details of all our concerts and will be updated regularly with news of Music in Peebles and other related events taking place in and around Peebles.
  • Social Media: follow us on Twitter and Facebook to stay in touch and receive the latest updates.
  • Newsletters are sent regularly to all subscribers, and others who have joined our mailing list. If you wish to receive our newsletters, containing information about forthcoming concerts and other items of interest, please use the sign-up form below.
  • Season Brochures, giving details of all the season’s concerts, are issued each year. All subscribers will be sent their own personal copy ahead of the public launch. Following the public launch of the forthcoming season, in early summer, copies are made available in the foyer at the Eastgate Theatre and at other locations around the district.
  • Posters advertising our concerts are displayed at The Eastgate Theatre and at other selected sites in Peebles and surrounding communities.
  • The Eastgate Theatre produces a quarterly brochure that lists all our concerts. It is distributed to homes in Peebles as well as being widely available around the town. The theatre’s website also has a calendar of all events at the Theatre, including Music in Peebles concerts.
  • ‘Peebles Life’, the local community magazine, contains features and diary listings about our concerts throughout the season. It is delivered free each month to homes in Peebles, Eshiels and Cardrona. The Peebles Life website also has a Calendar on which our concerts are listed, and you can read an online edition of the magazine.
  • The Peeblesshire News, our local newspaper, usually carries a preview prior to each concert, with information about the performers and the music to be played. Features about our concerts may also be published on the Peeblesshire News website.

Contacting Music in Peebles

For further information about Music in Peebles, please contact: John Fox (President): tel. 01721 729984 or email us at: or speak to any Board Member.

Feedback, please!

We always welcome your feedback and ideas, for example:

  • Would you like to make a comment on any of our concerts?
  • Perhaps you have ideas for concerts that you would like to see included in future years?
  • Are we catering successfully for your particular musical interests?
  • Do you think there is too much emphasis on some musical genres or areas of repertoire at the expense of others?
  • What do you especially enjoy about Music in Peebles, and what could be better?
  • Is the starting time of the concerts convenient for you?
  • If you never or only rarely attend Music in Peebles events, what puts you off, and what would encourage you to join us more regularly?

We can’t guarantee to please everyone all the time, but we will try to reflect feedback from our audiences (and from prospective audience members) in our future plans.

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